Plot in a Nutshell:
In “CUPID’S PLAN,” we follow the story of Richie, played by Maurice Sam, who falls for a girl over the phone but is unknowingly being catfished. Tiwa is a young lady with low self-esteem living with her cousin Lola, who possesses a high level of self-confidence. Tiwa feels like an ugly duckling because she doesn’t have what men typically desire – an ample bust and backside. Richie, on the other hand, is a serial cheater who spends his days on Tinder, depriving himself of sleep. His reckless infidelity leads to his girlfriend breaking up with him. In his quest for a new connection, Richie chats with Tiwa, who pretends to be Lola, claiming she’s on compulsory leave and bored.
As Richie becomes more desperate to meet her, he arranges for Tiwa, along with her cousin Lola, to fly from Lagos to Abuja. Once they meet in person, Richie continues his insistent advances, ultimately succeeding after getting Lola drunk. This leads to tension between Tiwa and Lola, and Richie’s best friend, Eche, tries to court Tiwa. After the truth comes out, Tiwa breaks up with Richie, and Lola rejects him for being solely interested in physical intimacy. Tiwa and Eche become a couple, and the girls return to Lagos, while Richie reconciles with his girlfriend.
Emotional Rollercoaster:
Twists and Turns (1/5):
The movie lacks significant twists.
Biggest Flaw:
The film takes too long to set up the story. It should have started with the catfishing aspect and integrated Tiwa’s low self-esteem into the catfishing storyline.
Who Should Watch This?
Die-hard Nollywood fans might endure this film, but personally, I’d recommend skipping it.
Overall Satisfaction (โญโญ/10):
I give “CUPID’S PLAN” two stars out of ten. While the catfishing story had potential, the film’s slow setup made it somewhat boring. Additionally, the core of the story, the catfishing, was underdeveloped and easy to miss.
Replay Potential:
It’s a one-time viewing experience.
Memorable Distinction:
What distinguishes this movie from others is the catfishing storyline, which had the potential to be intriguing but was executed poorly, making it somewhat dull.
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