I finally watched this movie and it was bombastic. So hold on to your zobo and get ready because you are in for the ride of your life.
Plot Summary
When You Love June is a movie about a young man named Kachi Amaechi. He just returned from schooling abroad and his mother, Mrs Amaechi wants him to marry her best friend’s daughter because her father is a senator.
Kachi is not interested because he has a white girlfriend abroad called, Adina Antonio. One day while on one of his numerous morning runs, he runs past June – a mama-put girl.
His fragrance entices her and from then on, she becomes obsessed with him, despite his absolute ignorance of her existence.
They do eventually meet for the first time by the roadside when he almost hits her with his vehicle. Kachi and June become fast friends.
Tasha tries to woo Kachi into liking her but he resists her every time, pushing Mrs Amaechi to call Adina and warn her to leave her son alone.
Adina does and moves on with another man. When Kachi finds out about this, he is heartbroken. So to cool off, he goes to June’s mama-put stand.
Their friendship continues to grow to the point that Kachi buys June a phone because she doesn’t have one. He even offers to invest in her business after he eats her food and discovers she is a very good cook.
Eventually, they both confess their feelings for one another and they start dating. Tasha finds out about it and tells Mrs Amaechi.
In an attempt to end Kachi and June’s relationship, Mrs Amaechi sends thugs to destroy June’s mama-put stand. This action makes Kachi move out of the house and in with June.
Kachi and June struggle to make ends meet but push through because they have each other.
In the end, Mrs Amaechi comes around and accepts June. However, while June is hugging Mrs Amaechi, something strange happens and I will talk about it in the SPOILER TALK SECTION.
Spoiler Talk
You have read the Plot Summary and you have a general idea of the movie. Go and watch the movie, then come back and read this because
for this part.
Sam was a creep
Sam was a guy who liked June and wanted her to be his girlfriend at all costs. But it is not because he loved her, it was because according to him:
I must see you naked on my bed.
After saying this nonsense, this fool then grew wings and decided that waiting for June to comply was too long a time to wait.
So one night, he pays her a visit and tries to rape her. Thankfully, Kachi came just in time to save June.
Adina’s accent
I don’t understand why Adina had to be white. But then when I got to the twist in the end, I kind of forgave the movie for having two Nigerians pretending to be Italian over the phone.
June’s living situation
For a “poor girl” she is living that middle-class life. The big bed, the nicely decorated walls. What part of Nigeria does she stay for her to be able to afford that flat on her supposed “measely” earnings?
Ola is a fucking weirdo
Now girl, why would you do this to a man you met for the very first time?
Once she did this, I just fell on the floor and gave up. 🤣🤣🤣
Kachi’s mother’s dining table conversation with Tasha was a diss track
If microaggression were a person it would be this woman. First, she said this fuck shit.
Then she buttressed her point with this mess.
Ain’t no way this scene made it into the movie. This woman said her son is classy because he dated a white woman.
Oh, Lord!
The ignorance! The raccoonery!
Kachi’s mother was pure comedy
Tell me how this is a normal reaction to your angry son approaching you.
and did my guy say “I am ready to rain down fire and LIMESTONE?”
And how can I forget this gem?
I don’t care what anyone says, this woman was the highlight of this movie.
This movie had a twist
Kachi’s dream.
When his mother finally accepts June, he gets a phone call and starts hearing someone call out his name. Then he wakes up.
In his reality, the real world:
Ola is his older sister.
They both live in the apartment June lived in his dream.
He and Ola cook for a living.
Mrs Amaechi is Mrs Amaechi and lives in the house he dreamt they lived in.
June is Mrs Amaechi’s daughter.
Tasha is Mrs Amaechi’s maid.
Sam is their gateman.
Everybody still bears the same name and that terrifies Kachi.
So yeah, that’s it. That is THE END.
Ola Daniels (Mrs Amaechi) was the highlight of this movie for me. I refuse to believe her lines were written for her. I strongly, STRONGLY believe she did improv because every time she spoke, I laughed so hard.
This was an alright movie. If you love Nigerian movies, you will surely enjoy this one.
Are you going to watch this?