Bad Monkey Episode 4 | Eve Despises Nick

I just finished watching Episode 4 of Bad Monkey and I have a whole lot to say.

Oh, and before I start, this will be a reaction post, so bear with me. I will make it worth your while though.

Five Years Ago

Eve used to be an actress.

A terrible one and very rude.

She insulted her acting teacher for praising her co-star.

Nick (Christopher) was a single father and Caitlin was an aspiring model.

Let me guess: Eve fucked up their father-daughter dynamic and it made Caitlin turn to drugs.

Nick used to be very involved in Caitlin’s life. She grew up and wanted to be more independent.

That’s why you always have to find a way to have your own life as a parent.

Eve and Nick Meet

Eve was the waitress at the magazine party Nick took Caitlin to.

Nick fell in love at first sight and was the first person to ever recognise her from the commercial she had done in the past. He even called her a star.

Oga, just ask her out and go. No need to lie.

Eve said she was one of those people who thought she would have a beautiful and special life but now feels it’s time for her to face the reality that she isn’t special.

Nick assures her that she will have a beautiful and special life.

This mumu is about to promise her a life he cannot afford to give to her.

About a year later

Izzy was the best man at their wedding and Izzy used to have a wife.

Blood of Jesus, what kind of demonic evil spirit followed Eve into Nick’s life?

Eve said in her vows:

Nicky, I know one day you’re going to be the most amazing father.

Jesu! Na lie! Why would she say that?

Yancy, the Miami detective

Five years ago, Yancy used to be a detective in the city of Miami.

Why do these bad guys in movies and TV shows always push people away so rudely when they are running?

I agree with Yancy, that graffiti is beautiful.

Vince Vaughn in episode 4 of Bad Monkey
The Graffiti | Image Credit: Apple TV+ and Warner Bros

The Beginning of the Downfall of Nick

Izzy had a son.

Oh God, I feel so bad.

SMH, Eve knew about the scam all along.

That means Nick (Christopher) was never a good person. He was always a liar and a 419.

Izzy’s wife didn’t know he was a scammer.

Izzy’s whole arc is unfortunate.

How Yancy left Miami

So before I go any further, I need to give context.

There is this police officer Yancy loathes and his name is Mendez. The man hates Yancy back – there is no love lost. The feeling is mutual and the flashback explains the reason why:


Yancy is such a talk-talk. He needs to learn when to shut up.

Yancy was the reason why Mendez was removed from the Tip Line. A very lucrative post Mendez abused to enrich himself.

No wonder he has a nice house.

Yancy’s cho-cho-cho led to his transfer from Miami to Key West.

He did that to himself.

That was where he met Rogelio. His former partner and now best friend.

Jesu Christi! Yancy, please read the room. Your talk-talk is annoying Rogelio.

Bonnie the pedo was the one who toasted Yancy.

I wish I could say I am surprised.

And she tried her best to hide her wedding ring but failed.

Not like it stopped Yancy from going in.

The Ndi-oshi in Andros

The ndi-oshi went to Andros to spend their stolen wealth.

Ndi-oshi being Nick, Izzy and Eve. Izzy’s wife and son were there as well but they’re innocent.

Nick only wanted to buy a simple bungalow in Andros but Eve said no. They needed to build a resort.

I fucking knew it! I said that she was the mastermind in my episode two blog post.

These filthy capitalists were planning their resort dream in front of Neville, while he was scraping his fish.

Nick promised to increase cashflow to make Eve’s dream come true.
He did and the Feds came knocking.

Izzy was already taking prescription pills to “calm himself down”. Nick was not in support of it.

Tipping Point

Bonnie’s husband beats her.

Michelle Monaghan in Bad Monkey
Bonnie’s black eye | Image Credit: Apple TV+ and Warner Bros

I hate Bonnie and may never be able to feel sorry for her.
Her husband belongs in prison.
And Bonnie as well.

So the day Yancy chose to launch Bonnie’s husband into the river was the same day Nick decided to become a thug named Christopher.

Eve put some pressure on Nick to keep the lifestyle she has become accustomed to and he came up with the idea to amputate, sink his boat, fake his death, relocate to The Bahamas and change his name.

No wonder he is so desperate to protect it. So desperate that he has turned into a serial killer.

Oh, Eve is dangerous.

Nick only wanted to cut off two of his fingers but Eve was like

Only two fingers?

Nick then said


his whole arm, stating that he would do anything just to be with Eve.

I am speechless.

Eve said it was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her.

The Crime

Izzy was the one who butchered the arm. The sight was

The experience was what tipped Izzy over the edge to becoming a full-blown alcohol and drug addict.

Also, the bone fragments Yancy and Rosa found in the shower were from Izzy hitting the severed arm repeatedly to make it look like something from a boating accident.

After doing that, he put the severed arm in a cooler and gave it to Mr. Pussy Magnet to dispose of.
It was the daft that made the arm do a “fuck you” sign.

Serial Killer Nick/Christopher

Yaya asked Nick how he lost his am and he replied:

Mind your own business.

Mr Pussy Magnet got greedy and asked for more money.

Nick didn’t mind sending more money but Eve did and she suggested that they get rid of Pussy Magnet.

Eve is the devil’s incarnate. She’s going to kill Nick eventually.

Nick was so regretful about killing Pussy Magnet.
Eve didn’t care.

I was right, Nick killed Izzy.

This is so heartbreaking.

Nick is sad and Eve doesn’t care.

This woman is evil. So fucking evil.

These vampires also killed Heather from the Weather. She went missing in episode 3 and now we know why.

She overheard Nick’s confession and Eve shot her point-blank, three times.

Eve is an evil bitch!

Current Timeline

They used Fela’s song.


Mendez is now a detective — a very useless one who wants to close cases without investigation.

Rosa locked the door and turned off the lights. Yancy asked her what was happening.

I can tell you what is happening, Yancy.

They are fucking with all those dead bodies around.


Still sexy though.

Eve is trying to manipulate Nick into killing his daughter Caitlin.

This bitch is so EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nick was ready to murder Eve for trying to suggest that he kill his own daughter and Eve immediately changed her tune.

Fuck that manipulative bitch.

She was able to fake a cry successfully.

Eve is going to kill Nick and Caitlin. I can see it.

Yancy solved the case. He somehow came to the conclusion that Nick is most likely alive but damn, Yancy’s life is so, so, so fucked!



Oga: Boss or Sir.
Cho-cho-cho: an onomatopoeia used to describe someone as being talkative.
Toast: To woo someone.
Ndi-oshi: Thieves
Na lie: It’s a lie. In this case, I used it in the same tone I would use “ain’t no way”.
Mumu: Fool, idiot, stupid, dummy, dumbass.
Oshey!!!: Nice or thanks.

Are you going to watch this?

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