Hera said so to Zeus’ human mistress:
You are an extremely promising fuck
and then she expedited the woman’s pregnancy. Hera turned the mistress into a bee and ordered Zeus to kill his offspring.
Insane shit.
Trapped in purgatory
Eurydice was ushered into a place in the underworld where she would work for the next 200 years before she could be reborn.
The reason was that she was not buried with a coin.
When I saw that I thought Cassandra had something to do with it because she was shown to be a thief, but strangely enough, it wasn’t her.
How Riddy ended up without a coin
Orpheus placed the coin in Eurydice’s mouth before she was buried. After her burial, he almost killed himself but didn’t because Dionysus interrupted him.
Dionysus offered to help Orpheus and took him to The Cave (which is run by Polyphemus). The Cave is the portal to The Underworld.
In The Cave, Orpheus meets The Fates whom he has to perform for to win the ticket to The Underworld.
He wins but loses when he is forced to confess the truth of what he did:
Orpheus didn’t bury Eurydice with a coin. He removed it before she was interred because he didn’t want her to be reborn without him.
I am torn by his decision because it is both lovely and incredibly selfish.
He loved her so much that he is willing to die to be with her. But then it is selfish because he only thought about what he wanted.
What he did was sweet though. I cannot deny that.
Too bad Eurydice won’t appreciate it.
Speaking of her resentment…
She was distraught because she couldn’t even die without him. That was what she told Caeneus who is trapped and has to work in purgatory for 200 years.
He is in charge of Cerberus and happens to be the second human Prometheus says would bring the downfall of Zeus.
He was murdered in a bar 10 years ago by a group of women, one of which happened to be his mother. She buried him without a coin and he has been in purgatory waiting for her to come.
It is also why he is resentful of his reassignment to diver which annoys his supervisor Medusa.
About Medusa…
She had the funniest moment in this episode.
Caeneus’s colleague asks if Medusa is truly Medusa and one of her snakes comes out to “attack” the woman.
The lady screams and says
Why didn’t I turn to stone?
Medusa replies
because you’re already dead.
Agatha with the ugly shoes
Even in death, she is still delulu about the gods. She hopes to be reborn and become a Tacita or something pious and holy.
I am very curious about how her story would turn out.
The Fates asked for Zeus’ watch
As the only payment, they would take for Orpheus to be allowed into The Underworld.
Zeus has a plan
To punish humans for disrespecting him. He wants to cause chaos and reduce the human population by half. Prometheus asked him not to but Zeus don’t care.
Hades and Persephone
They are a lovely couple and have a better relationship than whatever it is Hera has with Zeus. Hades is overworked and Persephone is tired of Zeus’ bullshit.
I feel bad for them though because with Zeus’ plan of going Thanos mode, Hades is going to end up with supernatural hypertension.
This episode wasn’t as exciting as episode one but I have faith something extra special is going to happen in episode three.
I do have two predictions – Agatha is not going to be reborn as a person and Riddy will fall in love with Caeneus.
Oh, and I love the 1940s vibe The Underworld has. So chic.
Most of the images in this article belong to Anthem Productions Limited, Sister and Netflix. If you have any concerns about image usage, please contact myopicco@myopicconcaves.online.
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