Bad Monkey Episode 7 | Sonny Works For Eve

Gracie is in the boot of a car and her life is flashing before her eyes.

We’re getting some flashbacks.

It wasn’t Egg who helped the murderous twosome (Eve and Nick). They did it all by themselves.

Nick and Eve kidnapped the dragon queen

SMH. These two won’t stop. They are getting bold with each passing day. Pride cometh before the fall.

They didn’t kill Gracie. Eve wants to work with her instead.

eve and gracie

Yancy is Free

Rogelio apologised to Yancy for getting him arrested for murder.

They caught Mendez.

Finally, this douchebag will face the full wrath of the law.

Spoke too soon.

Mendez uses Rogelio’s daughter’s hairclip to free himself and shoots Rogelio in the process.

mendez shooting in the car

Mendez is a hardened criminal. How the fuck did he become a police officer in the first place?

Mendez shot Donald the security guard (from Episode 3) in the face.

Donald the security guard


Yancy shot Mendez in the arm.

Oh, and thank God.

Donald wasn’t shot in the face. He was shot in the shoulder.

Donald not dead

Praise be. He is alive. Stupid Mendez.

Neville is okay. Rosa took him to a doctor to remove the bullet from his arm.

rosa and neville in a car

Eve and the Dragon Queen

Eve knows Gracie wants a better life and Gracie is just there nodding like a whimp.

If it was Neville now, she’d be threatening him. Stupid woman.

Eve paying Gracie for the land she stole

Neville x Miami Gang

Neville has told Rosa, Rogelio and Yancy everything he knows about Christopher i.e. Nick.

It is all coming together.

Yancy gave his whole case file to Sonny.

Sonny is not to be trusted. I bet he works for the murderous twosome.

Rosa is tired of her job.

She is tired of seeing dead people. It is depressing.

Rosa at work with a dead 6 year old boy

Bonnie is back in Yancy’s home.

Jesus! This woman is a rolling stone.

Gracie’s friend, Asia, went to tell Yaya what Gracie did. Yaya is sad.

Yaya in bad monkey episode 7


Sonny actually gave the evidence to the Feds.

He isn’t corrupt after all. Just a lazy police officer.

The Feds don’t care about the murders.

That’s messed up.

Sonny, Yancy and the feds

End of the Episode

Gracie just shattered Yaya’s hopes. She said all they do is collect grocery money from foolish people. It is all a show.

Dragon Queen does not believe in the juju that she does.

Yaya feels she failed Gracie.

Don’t feel bad, Yaya. Gracie is an adult.

Yaya and Gracie

Bonnie has been arrested. Well, she surrendered because she got tired of running.

Let’s hope she doesn’t do some fuck shit on her way to Oklahoma.

Nick has been trying to reach Caitlin but she’s been sending him insults like

eat a bag of dicks.

I think Nick is going to do something evil to Eve real soon and she would kill him.

Egg and Dragon Queen are fucking.

Of all the men in the world, she chose a criminal.

Yancy’s home is surrounded by armed men.

Armed men outside yancy's home

What in the actual hell?!


My guess is that those armed men are the drug dealers from Episode 6.

My conspiracy theory is that:

Sonny told Eve of Yancy’s findings. So she alerted her drug dealers to do something. They arrived to kill Yancy but he escaped and his dad was shot dead.

Another theory is that:

Those armed men are just ICE who are only there to take Neville (an illegal immigrant) into custody.

Bad Monkey Pin episode 7

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