A lot happened.
Dionysus asked the woman whose husband went into the Underworld with Orpheus
“how are they doing?”
She responds with a slap and a
“fuck you”
before storming off.
Dionysus enters The Cave and finds out that Orpheus made it past River Styx and he is terrified.
Can they stop showing that scissors about to cut Eurydice’s mother’s tongue? I am tired of seeing it. It is gross!
Caeneus was an Amazon, Caenis when he was a child. However, during puberty, he turned into a boy.
He had a friend, Leos who also turned to a boy and was on the run. Leos knew Caeneus had turned into a boy and warned Caeneus never to let the Amazons find out.
Caeneus did just that but after the murder of Leos, his mother sent him away to live freely.
The Amazons annoyed me with this. How could they kill this little boy just because he turned from a girl to a boy? Their fanatical devotion to the gods should be considered a form of evil.
Riddy kissed Caeneus.
Girl, what the fuck?
Also, the cut from Caeneus and Eurydice fucking to Orpheus in the wilderness was wild. It was a violation.
The frame is glitching because The Nothing (that underground bunker where the souls are trapped) is full.
Hades tells Persephone that KAOS would ensue if The Nothing overflows.
A line appears, the order wanes, the family falls and Kaos reigns.
Who wants to bet that Zeus would ignore Hades’ warning and do whatever?
Mind vomit:
I don’t know what line actually appeared but the family is already falling.
Zeus angered Hera.
Zeus angered Dionysus.
Hera is fucking Poseidon.
Hades is overwhelmed.
Zeus has lost his fucking mind.
The order has also waned because things are no longer done in the way that they should.
Orpheus, a living, is in the Underworld.
People are not being renewed.
Ariadne’s father is President when he shouldn’t be.
It’s just fuckery, left and right.
Zeus is tired of destroying humans. Now he wants to kill The Fates.
That information shook Prometheus a little.
Prometheus then inadvertently convinces Zeus to not go through with it. Zeus comes up with the idea to make President Minos kill his son, Glaucus.
Caenus finally says his prophecy and to the surprise of NO ONE:
A line appears, the order wanes, the family falls and Kaos reigns.
Oh sorry, Eurydice was surprised.
Hera is such a bitch. She couldn’t help but throw shade at Persephone’s outfit.
Also, why do they – Hera, Poseidon and Zeus – treat Hades and Persephone like their less fortunate relatives? As if they are coming to beg for food or money?
Eurydice figured out the prophecy – it is the gods’ family that will fall.
Also, Cassandra, the crazy Trojan said it in episode 1.
They are stealing our souls.
Hades is such a pushover. He does whatever Zeus asks him to do.
Hades explained everything to Zeus that what he was doing was going to destroy them.
Guess what Zeus did?
Zeus set Hades on fire.
This dickhead just ruined everything.
Caeneus and Eurydice want to stop people from going through the Frame.
Poseidon is disappointed in Zeus. Hera is tongue-tied while Persephone swears that she will find a way to destroy Zeus and Hera doesn’t say a word.
Zeus needs to die.
Zeus tells Poseidon to order Minos to kill his son, Glaucus.
I cannot wait for this to end in tears for Zeus.
Zeus demands that Poseidon shouldn’t help President Minos but Poseidon wants to help.
The order is waning.
President Minos’ prophecy is:
Your end begins in the marital bed. The first child to draw breath will kill you dead.
The Fates told Poseidon that a person can “occasionally” defy their prophecy.
I highly doubt that.
Prometheus gives a whole backstory of the gods.
Zeus killed Kronos and absorbed him.
He liked the power that came from doing that so he continued killing – humans.
He got tired of killing and with the help of Hades, The Frame was created.
It was not created to renew human souls. It was created to harvest them.
To liquidize them into Meander water. The gods drink it to stay immortal.
Zeus needs humans to believe in the lie that the gods care about them. He needs them distracted to continue harvesting their souls.
Zeus has basically morphed into Kronos.
Orpheus passed his test. He chose Eurydice over water despite being very thirsty. He left the Wilderness and entered Asphodel.
Prue is shocked to see Orpheus in Asphodel. She runs to tell Medusa.
Dionysus walks in on Poseidon and Hera fucking.
The look on her face.
Charon and Medusa are happy that Orpheus made it to Asphodel.
They are hopeful.
Final thoughts
I hate Zeus and I better see his fucking corpse at the end of Episode 8.
Most of the images in this article belong to Anthem Productions Limited, Sister and Netflix. If you have any concerns about image usage, please contact myopicco@myopicconcaves.online.
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