KAOS Episode 7-8 Showdown: Ariadne’s Deadly Revenge, Zeus’s Downfall, and Orpheus’s Heartbreaking Goodbye

I like Orpheus, he is a good man.

KAOS: Episode 7

Caeneus and Eurydice’s mothers seem to be in contact with each other.

Eurydice’s mother went to Caeneus’s mother and told her

today is the day

and Caeneus’s mother kills herself with a coin in her mouth.

caeneus and eurydice mothers kaos episode 7

This show is AMAZING.

Eurydice didn’t want to go back with Orpheus but Medusa told her she had to go back to Earth. The rebels who see the gods for what they are, need her to return to Earth to save the world from Zeus.

Medusa working while Orpheus looks at Eurydice who is looking at Caeneus

Medusa even recites the prophecy.

Hades refused to allow Orpheus to leave with Eurydice and Persephone is pissed.

Let me guess, Persephone is going to make good on her promise to destroy Zeus by sending Orpheus back to Earth

persephone pissed off at Hades for not allowing Orpheus to go back to Earth

Yes, she did. She puts Hades to bed and heads straight to Medusa’s office. She gives him and Eurydice the go-ahead to return to Earth.

persephone about to help Orpheus with his mission to take Eurydice to earth

Eurydice and Caeneus are heartbroken but Medusa tells them to save it for when Eurydice dies again.

caeneus and riddy saying goodbye to each other

Ariadne asked Daedalus to take her to Glaucus.

Glaucus killed Daedalus.

So the minotaur is not actually a bull. He is a person wearing a horned mask. A person who was denied affection; was kept in the dark and lost his mind in the process. His insanity was then weaponized to instil fear in the citizens of Krete.

Glaucus the Minotaur Kaos Episode 7

Fuck Ariadne. She was too obsessed with seeing Glaucus, she killed Daedalus. And yes, I know he was partly responsible for what happened to Glaucus but he only did it because he had no choice. He was a prisoner.

Daedalus and ariadne going to see glaucus

Minos managed to kill Glaucus.

But the thing is, he had twins – Ariadne is the firstborn. She will kill President Minos.

President Minos screaming when he killed Glaucus

I was wrong. Ariadne wasn’t the firstborn. She was the first to draw breath. When she and Glaucus were born, he came out first but he was blue… no air basically weak and at the brink of death.

Ariadne crying when she killed her father

Ariadne came out screaming. She was the first of the two to breathe and so, she killed her father.

The way these prophecies come true is so realistic. It makes perfect sense for her to kill her father. She found out that he accused her of killing her brother. Made her live with that guilt for years, only for her to find out that her brother was not dead. He has been dehumanized all these years.

Then just when she had reconciled with her brother, here comes her father to murder him.

For her to react and kill her father.

Dionysus watches the whole thing go down and he is in love with Ariadne. Zeus on the other hand fainted.


KAOS: Episode 8

It starts with the prophecy:

A line appears, the order wanes, the Family falls and Kaos reigns.

A line appears, the order wanes, the Family falls and Kaos reigns.

Zeus is going to see The Fates to kill them.

Hades is missing from his bedroom. He went to meet Medusa and tasked her to take care of the Underworld because he was going to defy his brother – Zeus.

Hades at Medusa's office Kaos Episode 8

Hades goes to The Nothing and tries to wake Astyanax up but fails.

Zeus went to destroy The Fates but those three couldn’t muster a fuck to give.

Zeus and the fates episode 8

Zeus thought he would spring up the killing on The Fates but they knew he was coming and were prepared. They even bathe themselves in petrol.

High-level trolling.

Prometheus is shocked by what happened. He couldn’t believe Zeus actually killed The Fates. Before The Cave blew up, The Fates told Zeus about Dionysus giving them his watch.

So that means, Kaos is about to ensue.

zeus with his watch_the fates set on fire and prometheus shocked

Caeneus’s mother arrived in the underworld and took him through the Frame hoping to have him renewed but he ended up in The Nothing, frozen like the other millions of souls.

Prometheus was confused, shocked and sad.

caeneus mother takes him through the frame

He is weeping. He will never be free.

Zeus has set the ball in motion.

Zeus came up with a meander water rationing.
He killed Dionysus’s cat, Dennis.
He set Hera’s bees on fire.
Poseidon declared himself but Hera denied him.
Persephone lied that the human, Orpheus, failed in his mission.

the scene where the family falls Episode 8 Kaos

After terrorizing his family, Zeus goes to the mountain where he hung Prometheus to tell Prometheus how he defied his prophecy and Prometheus disappears.

zeus and prometheus talking kaos episode 8

He is free – the prophecy came to pass.

The Fates didn’t die. They cannot die. They only gave Zeus the satisfaction of “killing” them to ensure that the prophecy came to pass.

Orpheus and Eurydice returned to Earth and parted ways. She told him the truth and he was nice about it.

eurydice and orpheus saying goodbye to each other

Orpheus is an angel. That man loved Eurydice through and through. It didn’t matter that she didn’t love him back. He respected her decision.

Eurydice meets Cassandra on the way home and asks Cassandra

who are you?

Cassandra says she is a prophet. Eurydice is now a prophet as well. Her job is to wake the living while Caeneus is to wake the dead.

eurydice and cassandra meeting for the third time

Caeneus wakes up and while mourning the loss of his mother who is standing next to him, he wakes her up. Hades sees it and asks how he did it.

Zeus calls for everyone but his family has left him.

Ariadne’s mother is proud of her for killing Minos. Ariadne has chosen to work with the Trojans and defy the gods as the new leader of Krete.

Hera and her Tacitas are en route to Ares.

Final Thoughts

I like this show a lot. However, I am not a fan of the way it ended.

The ending was semi-conclusive and very inconclusive at the same time. It was created with a HUGE HOPE for season 2.

What I think Season 2 would be like if they get one

Hera and Ares would help Zeus.

Poseidon was seen heartbroken, I guess we would have to watch him fuck Earth over with Tsunamis or something.

Dionysus would try to woo Ariadne. I doubt he would succeed though.

Hades I don’t really understand what he would do with Caeneus.

Yeah, those are my thoughts.

KAOS Episode 7-8 Showdown: Ariadne’s Deadly Revenge, Zeus’s Downfall, and Orpheus’s Heartbreaking Goodbye

Written by

My name is Nkechi and I am your guinea pig. I watch movies and TV shows not a single person gives a damn about.

Sense or nah?

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