What Happens When Neighbors Turn Deadly? Bad Monkey Episode 8 Recap

Note: Bitch is Nick while Evil Spirit is his wife Eve

The armed men weren’t the drug dealers I thought they were. They were with Pestov – Pussy Magnet’s girlfriend’s (Madeline) new boyfriend and boss.

At first, I thought: WTF is he doing with these assassins but then I remembered Madeline said a few episodes back that he worked for the Russian Mafia.

Bad Monkey Episode 8 Yancy and Pestov

Someone hired them to “kill?” Yancy but Pestov recognized Yancy and botched it.

Yancy is one lucky fucker.


Ain’t no way

Pestov was approached by Yancy’s neighbour (the dude Yancy has been troubling)


The asshole neighbour was inside his house peeping at the murderers he hired shooting at Yancy’s house.

Yancy retaliated by shooting his neighbour’s house back.


Bonnie made it to Oklahoma and is en route to prison.

Praise master Jesus.


She was let go.

She’s not going to jail. Why? She SEXUALLY ASSAULTED A CHILD! Fuck the state of Oklahoma for this.


Gracie doesn’t want Egg to leave after their sexy romp from the night before but he says,

Nothing good ever come from caring about someone.

Poor thing. I will never understand why she chose a criminal to fall in love with. She is so stupid.

Gracie doesn't want Egg to leave


Egg waited for her to dress up. He stayed.

Colour me shocked. I guess Gracie chose the “right” man for her.


I want to scream so badly.

Nick bought Eve a new boat and said she should promise him she would never shut him out the way Caitlin did to him and she replied:

Promise me you’d always take care of me.

Promise me you'd always take care of me.

Whenever that Evil Spirit says that to Bitch, you know some fuck shit is on the horizon.


Not Gracie frolicking with these bootleg colonizers.

I am disappointed. She has fallen off so badly.


Neville is back in Andros.

13: 43

Bonnie wants to buy 13 gas cans.

bonnie buying 13 gas cans in Bad Monkey episode 8

Is she trying to go to jail purposely?


This FBI director is very pretty.


Director Rhodes said they are not pursuing Bitch and Evil Spirit because of extradition issues/costs. Andrew took it as forcing Bitch and Evil Spirit back to the US.

Director Rhodes

Why do I feel that Bonnie is going to set their house on fire?


Egg warns Gracie about Bitch and Evil Spirit. Then he proceeds to sing.

Lovely voice. Nasty character.


Yancy’s neighbour’s house exploded.

Yancy's neighbour's house on fire bad monkey episode 8

Now we know the house Bonnie burned down with those 13 gas cans.


Yancy asked Bonnie: What did you do?
Bonnie: They wouldn’t arrest me.
Yancy: I think they probably will now.

And yes she was arrested.


Yancy was motivated by Bonnie’s arson to go to Andros.


Bitch and Evil Spirit trashed Asia’s store. Gracie was shocked and apologised but Asia didn’t care. She said to Gracie

Get the fuck out of my life.

Egg trashed Asia's store

I stand with Asia. Gracie has neither morals nor a backbone. She is selfish and directionless. All she has done is morph into the people she cares about in the moment. First, it was her white boyfriend. When that didn’t work, she became an ifa priestess because of her grandmother. When that didn’t work, she is now a thug like Egg.


Egg trashed Asia’s store. He was paid by Bitch and Evil Spirit. Gracie told him,

don’t bother coming to my bed tonight.

Gracie is such a dumbass. Ain’t no way she thinks her vagina is a bargaining chip to control a career criminal.

Egg trashed Asia's store


Caitlin called Bitch. She wants to come to visit Andros and Evil Spirit is not happy. She is scowling because she hates Caitlin.

Evil Spirit is going to have to kill Caitlin. I can feel it in my bones.


It was Yancy and Rosa who told her to call Bitch.

This is not going to end well.


Caitlin asked that they shoot Evil Spirit in the fucking face.

I share your sentiments Cait. Evil Spirit is a psycho killer.


Yancy and Rosa are in Andros.

Yancy and Rosa are in Andros.


Yaya doesn’t live with Gracie anymore and she doesn’t want to tell Gracie where she is staying.


Rosa is nervous she has to meet Bitch and Evil Spirit.

She should be. Those two are serial killers.


Yancy and Rosa met the pilot KJ at the bar and they took a picture with him.

Yancy and Rosa met the pilot KJ

Rosa is going to get kidnapped by Bitch and Evil Spirit. I can feel it in my spirit.


Gracie stole Bitch’s watch.

I liked that she did that but at the same time, I am perplexed by her lack of morals.

Also, she and Yancy met. He told her the watch was worth $250,000.


Gracie left the island.

Gracie waving goodbye to Egg

Final Thoughts

I usually make wild guesses so here are a few for what would happen in the next episode:

ROSA is going to get kidnapped.
GRACIE is going to get shot.
YAYA is going to get injured by EGG because he has no morals and would do just about anything for money.
EGG is going to get fired – if he refuses to beat/kill Yaya, Bitch and Evil Spirit are going to fire him.
GRACIE will return when she finds out the watch is fake. It isn’t worth $250,000.

Written by

My name is Nkechi and I am your guinea pig. I watch movies and TV shows not a single person gives a damn about.

Sense or nah?

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