Count Orlok was very creepy-looking. He looked like a mutated carnivorous bird that lost its wings and was forced to live on earth.

Eerie, Fear Me
I wouldn’t say the movie was eerie but there was a scene that made me very worried. The night Count Orlok signs the papers for the house he bought, Hutter realises that Count Orlok is a vampire and he is scared.
I was afraid for him as well because I didn’t want him to die. Hutter was such a lovable ditz.

I can’t be the only one who thought Knock orchestrated the whole thing
That weasel sent Hutter to Transylvania as a sample for Count Orlok to try. He was like “hey Master, come to my side of the town. They’ve got nice blood over here. Try this sample (Hutter) to convince you”

Count Orlok’s move to Wisborg
Personally, I think Orlok was starving and needed a constant supply of blood. Transylvania was empty with barely anyone left for Count Orlok to feast on.

Hutter was too trusting
On his way to Count Orlok’s castle, that is after spending the night in the Inn: the second day.
There was this creepy coach rider who offered to carry Hutter to Count Orlok’s castle and Hutter entered his coach. When he did that I was like WTF bro?!

Can’t you see this man looks weird?
Count Orlok’s castle was very empty
And very lonely but Count Orlok didn’t care. It was just the way he preferred it because his true home was inside his coffin.

Count Orlok is quite different from most vampires/Draculas of nowadays. Most recent ones are communal and have a family, wives, and girlfriends. They aren’t as alone as Count Orlok was in Nosferatu.
Ellen and Hutter’s love is strong AF
The fact that she could feel his emotions from kilometres away was astonishing. The night Hutter was passed out because Count Orlok was coming to feast on him, Ellen woke up and was restless all through the night. That was impressive.

I loved the use of shadow and colour
The shadow made Count Orlok appear more menacing. The use of colours was smart. Sepia/Yellow was for the daylight when the sun was up. Purple was for dusk, night and dawn. While Greenish-Blue was for danger.

Were the rats also vampires?
That was something I needed to understand because… Yes, Count Orlok feasted on the ship’s crew but there was a rat that bit one of the crew members.

I thought Ellen was going to survive
I really did. My thinking was that Orlok would drink a little blood, daylight would come and he would be dead. But no, that motherfucker drained her before he turned to dust.

My very first old-school silent film
Prior to this, the only silent film I had watched was The Artist. So this was my very first “proper” silent film and I liked it. Watching Nosferatu felt like I was watching a moving novel. There was a lot of reading which I didn’t mind.

The ending was sad
Like I said before, I didn’t think Ellen would die. It was sad watching Hutter lay beside her and the doctor shaking his head feeling sorry for Hutter.
Sense or nah?