What exactly did Maroni’s wife say to Oz and Sofia when she had them kneeling with a gun pointed to their faces?
My theory/takeaway from this episode is that Sofia is going to work with the Maronis.
But how is Oz going to wiggle his way out of this mess? I know he can talk but what can Oz say that would be convincing enough for Nadia and Sofia?
A tiny recap of the episode
Victor reminisces about life before the explosion. Back then he had his parents, sister and girlfriend, Graciela.
After the flood, his family died. Graciela’s family died too: and now Victor is Oz’s driver and enforcer.
Oz, on the other hand, is starting his new business venture with Sofia. The drug she is “cooking” is derived from the basidiospores of a mutated mushroom.
Oz later names the drug Bliss and they try to ship it to The Triads headed by Feng Zhao.
Victor invites Graciela over and she tells him that she is leaving for California to start over. Victor agrees to go with her.
In the end, he doesn’t. He chooses to stay with Oz.
Oz, however, finally gets Sofia to trust him but disaster strikes when Nadia Maroni puts a stop to their bonding.
Oz was spitting gems this episode
Most of his time with Victor in this episode was him giving Victor pep talks. He told him things like
“the world is not designed for good men to succeed. You shouldn’t have to work all your life and end up with nothing”
“let them wait. Take up space because you deserve it.”
I loved every bit of it.
I thought Victor was going to die in this episode
It was evident that he really loved Graciela and would do anything for her. So, my thought was that he would try his very best to be with her and Oz would have enough of his soft boy behaviour and kill him.
But Oz did not. What Oz did was talk Victor out of leaving him.
Johnny Viti is living on borrowed time
This fool who is fucking his boss’s wife, went to threaten Sofia. First, he called Sofia “a brat who got what she deserved” and then gave her a ticket to Italy.
I am guessing Viti was instructed by Luca to give Sofia a ticket to Italy. Giving her the ticket was fine and all but this fool then fixed his rotten mouth to say,
“If you don’t go to Italy, we’re gonna say that’s where you went.
How are you a walking blackmail target and are still out here running your mouth like a smug little shit?
The day Luca finds out about the affair, this fool is dead. Donezo!
Nadia, Oz and Sofia
Oz has twisted and doublecrossed himself into a tight corner. I am very invested and want to know how he will unwound himself in the coming episode.
I think, Nadia got information about him cutting a deal with Feng Zhao and got angry.
So the coming episodes are either going to have Sofia and Nadia cutting Oz off to work together or have Oz convincing Sofia to work with Nadia as a way to keep her enemies closer.
I doubt Nadia’s anger has anything to do with Oz framing them for Alberto Falcone’s death.
Most of the images in this article belong to Acid and Tender Productions, 6th & Idaho Motion Picture Company, Dylan Clark Productions, Chapel Place Productions, Zobot Projects, DC Studios, and Warner Bros. Television. If you have any concerns about image usage, please contact myopicco@myopicconcaves.online.
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