Before you read my diary about this show, I have some things to say.
My rating for this show is:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 10 stars.
It does have the potential to be a fun show and I hope it gets a second season. I also hope it gets a bigger budget so that they can hire more writers.
Now that we are done with that, let’s begin:
Episode 1: Pilot
When I first saw Malcolm, I thought he was a bumbling buffoon.
Evan was banned from dating faculty members but I think he is going to sleep with the new teacher (Harry).

Episode 2: Powderpuff
Shazam was such a fun person until she was revealed to be a miscreant and career criminal. This douchebag stole computers, iPhone chargers and printers from the school.
The boys going through with drag performance was impressive and they all looked so pretty.

Markie is my favourite so far. He is so much fun.
Shazam came to watch the boys’ performance and to steal more items. I hope the season ends with her arrest.
Evan is going to sleep with the new teacher (Harry).
Episode 3: Kayla Syndrome
Principal Grant told Evan:
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