I wanted to love these episodes. I really did but I found these last two episodes quite underwhelming.
Knowing that Sharon and Alice died for nothing is quite depressing. They ventured into an imagination which swallowed them up without any gain in the end.
At least Lilia died for a cause, she ended the Salem Seven but the rest? Woof, depressing.
The entire show is about a grieving boy coming to terms with his grief.
So in coming to terms with it, he created a booby-trapped game that murdered innocent women. When Wanda did the exact same thing, she was called a murderous psychopath.
But in Billy’s case, it wasn’t so bad because it came as a game. A fun, death trap of a game that nobody was ever going to survive.
Also, he turned Agatha’s basement into their tombstone. So that must mean he is not so bad.

Poor Sharon. She never deserved this mess.
Yay for Jennifer Kale, she freed herself.
Overall Assessment of the Show
Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 were great. I loved them.
Episodes 6,8 and 9 were underwhelming for me.
So it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 10 stars for me.
Sense or nah?