This shot of Tariq is the funniest thing I’ve seen today
He takes himself way too seriously and not so seriously at the same time. It’s insane honestly.
Ain’t no way Ava is serious about this.
Girl, that is a toddler.
This was Barbara
After she scored an own goal.
She really thought she did something.
Melissa is hooking up with the firefighter from episode 4 and Jacob ratted her out to the gang sans Ava and Gregory.
Melissa wasn’t too happy about the exposé.
Gregory’s face always makes me laugh. So there is a panel he and Ava attended to represent their school. There Ava met her rival/soror, Crystal
and Gregory met Tariq, who is shockingly moderating the panel.
Gregory wasn’t pleased.
Barbara is not happy with Melissa for not telling her about who is courting her.
Melissa said it’s not Bridgerton, it’s just sex.
So Jacob is doing things with the younger guy
Yowza! That means Melissa’s house is PoundTown, the home of secrets.
They had been banging on Melissa’s roof.
Are you going to watch this?