When I said Cameron Cook was a bird, I meant it. So she flew to Spain alone and was waiting for Tony but guess what?
He used Joyce Madden to tell Cameron that he wouldn’t be making it to Spain.
Cameron sweetheart, you are a bird.
And it’s not like Tony has anything important that he is doing. He just doesn’t give an iota of a damn about Cameron.
She is a mistress and that is what she will forever be to him: a hidden woman.
Cameron did call him a:
and Joyce chuckled.
I know Ms. Madden hates Tony’s ass too.
And what you know, Rupert La Whore is in Malaga as well.
Everyone knows that Cameron is Tony’s side chick.
I don’t know what she sees in Tony. Even the money he has looks like it is hanging by a thread because his wife, Monica appears to have all the power.
I’m still in love with the opening credits as always.
And just so you know:
Rupert La Whore and Cameron St. Bird are hanging out together.
I wish there was some satellite footage of this for Tony to see and seethe.
Speaking of Tony, his viewing figures are abysmal (LOL, James Vereker must be convulsing). Monica advised him to call Declan back and Tony said he would rather chew glass.
And may you choke on that said glass.
Some day, Monica Baddingham would learn to stop babying her idiotic husband.
He needs to be taught a hard lesson
This Nicky guy is just too much. The way he drew Cameron closer to kiss her cheek and how he hugged Rupert from behind.
Something ain’t right with him. He and his wife are giving swingers.
I can’t be the only one who picked up that this man:
Wants to do a tango in the sheets with Cameron. If I were you Cameron, I would go for it. After all, Tony ain’t your man.
Is Rupert using Nicky to poach Cameron from Corinium?
Thank you Rupert for asking that important question: What is Tony’s appeal?
I want to know if he has sugarcane for a pee pee to make her act the fool all the freaking time.
Thank you, Rupert. Tony is never leaving Monica because she is the one with the title. She is the reason why he is a “Lord”.
Cameron is so delusional. She thinks that she is in control but she is just another side chick who wishes her “man” would claim her.
Monsieur Rupert La Whore is on demon time. He needs to dip into Tony’s pussay stash.
I don’t think Cameron would do anything though because that would “taint” her in Tony’s eyes and she’d lose her job.
Not Cameron treating Rupert like a conquest.
Alright. Maybe our bird is about to turn into a Microraptor. I guess there is some hope for her.
Finally Tony is going to have sex with his wife.
Hallelujah for Monica. It’s been a long, long, long time coming.
Rupert La Whore working hard to get into Cameron’s pants.
Wow, Rupert actually succeeded. Cameron had sex with Rupert.
LOL, Tony is going to convulse when he finds out and I am here for it.
I am happy for Monica.
Not really but a win is a win even when that win is piteous.
Sex with Cameron must have been mindblowing because Rupert is acting like a boyfriend now.
When it comes to sex, Cameron knows what she wants and knows how to ask for it.
Unlike Monica who Tony selfishly rode, came and left the scene. She looked miserable after fucking her husband.
I may be crazy but I think Rupert might like Cameron a lot more than the women in the past.
Even Cameron is feeling him in a boyfriend way.
Yeah, I was crazy. I was delulu and coo-coo at the same time. Rupert did all this to get his hands on the franchise document.
He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Cameron. But Cameron on the other hand might be as delusional as I was.
All I can offer her moving forward are my thoughts and prayers.
Cameron won the award and she came back early from the ceremony. I guess she missed Rupert La Whore.
So James Vereker didn’t make it to primetime?
I know he’s mad as hell.
Taggie brought some jam roly-poly for her crush Rupert.
Who eats pudding like this? Who?!
Rupert needs to keep his paws off Taggie. She is too young and too innocent for his fuckery.
This has to be Taggie daydreaming because what is this juvenile ass move?
I bet it’s Gertrude licking her face to wake up.
What did I tell ya?
My kind of woman. Dame Enid wants them to win the franchise and sack James Vereker.
I support her with my whole heart.
Why is Freddie looking at Wesley’s willy?
Freddie, tell me what you saw. Was it impressive?
Taggie looked heartbroken after hearing Rupert La Whore say he went to Spain and seduced Cameron.
Taggie girl…
Rupert is for the streets. Why did you ever think you were special enough to stop his hoetivities?
You should want better for yourself. A middle-aged fuckaholic is not goals.
Declan burned the paperwork Rupert stole from Cameron.
Declan is truly a man of principle. He is and will forever remain, the motherfucking Gee.
Freddie too. Freddie is another motherfucking G
My guys are GUYING.
Look at these two miserable adulterous whores gossiping about Cameron.
James, don’t make me reach into my screen and smack you in the face.
Look at them rolling their eyes.
I hate these miserable idiots.
After being courted out loudly by Rupert, Cameron wants more from Tony. She wants to be a show pony, not a hidden mule.
Cameron, please grow some sense and leave Tony. He is NEVER going to claim you publicly.
Cameron is officially sick of Tony. She’s not even letting him claim he made her what she is anymore.
Cameron went to see Rupert in his house.
Look at that smile on her face.
Archie is fucking Shelley’s brother outside.
The same way he fucked Shelley, OUTSIDE
It’s funny how Tony calls gay people deviants despite knowing fully well that his son is a perpetually horny bisexual who is sexing a brother and sister.
So James Vereker knows how to have sex in public?
Wonders shall never end and here I was thinking he was a closeted asexual.
No offense to Bas oh but what exactly is his storyline outside of fucking?
I need to know.
Rupert told Cameron the truth and she called him overrated in the sheets.
Also, why does Cameron sound so much like Beyonce?
Wow, she cried all the way home.
She must have fallen in love with Rupert.
That was a blast. Episode 7 coming right up.
Are you going to watch this?