Caroline is sick and twisted: Cruel Intentions Episode 4

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Lucien Belmont
Annie Grover

Annie, ain’t no way you’ve already slept with this turd.

Lucien is perverted.

Lucien Belmont filming another sex tape

This is him filming another sex tape.

CeCe must REALLY like Professor Hank because she is sneaking out to go TA for him. Well, she tried to anyway but Caroline stopped her.

CeCe Carroway
Caroline Merteuil

Annie claims nothing happened between her and Lucien.

Annie Grover
Annie Grover Cruel Intentions Episode 4

I believe her because Lucien films every sexual encounter and since Annie is a bet, I’m sure he would want his intercourse with the vice president’s daughter to be on film.

I know this whole thing is going to end with Annie shagging Lucien, but I wish it didn’t. He is revolting.

Imagine you are watching this show and someone walks in on you watching this scene.

Lucien Belmont

He called Annie boring and tedious.

Caroline Merteuil Cruel Intentions Episode 4
Lucien Belmont Cruel Intentions Episode 4

While Annie is over at her dorm seeking advice from her SS Agent, on whether or not to call Lucien.

I hate Lucien.

Caroline thought the Asian women couldn’t speak English, so Caroline spoke freely. However, after Caroline left, one of them heaved a sigh of relief and said

What a cunt
I like your bangs
Beatrice Worth tragic bangs
and they look really good

Annie, why are you lying to this woman? Her bangs are horrible and she needs a salon appointment to fix that catastrophe on her head.

When the last episode ended, I thought that Brian Blandsman was going to do something worthwhile with the information he gathered.

He didn’t. He did this instead.

scott dick in the face
you're happy about this
scott russell, blaise powell cruel intentions 4

And Scott couldn’t muster a fuck to give.

Oh yeah, I just remembered:

Scott excuse me, what do you mean by:

I don't like boys

Because an episode ago, you were chowing down on Blaise’s penis. There is no way you think what you did constituted heterosexual behaviour.

Professor Hank is a divorcee

cece and professor Hank

So Hank’s ex-wife is doing a reading in the school for her book, FUCK YOUR TRAUMA and Professor Hank is triggered.

CeCe being a girl who has a crush on her professor, helps him take down his ex-wife’s poster.

CeCe Carroway

I get that she wants to make Professor Hank happy but he is a big boy, he can handle himself.

Professor Hank Chadwick I feel better now


Annie no, stop doing this

cruel intentions episode 4

Lucien lovebombed you and dipped. You should focus on your academics. Speaking of academics, do these students ever go to class?

This is Professor Hank’s ex-wife

Dr Deirdre fuck your trauma

and CeCe is at her reading:

cruel intentions episode 4 CeCe Carroway

Professor Hank is also there as well…

cruel intentions episode 4

Ahhh! The incestuous pervert is also present.

lucien belmont

Professor Hank’s ex-wife is tapped. She said to heal from trauma, you have to give in to your most depraved sexual desires.

through sex, the body finds new rhythm dr deirdre cruel intentions

Since Professor Hank was married to this woman, he is one of two things. Either he is freaky but stopped being freaky or he was never freaky and thought he could “tame” his freaky ex-wife.

fuck the trauma away

This woman is tapped. No questions about it. Her solution to trauma is sexual addiction.

Not this twat giggling when she said that nonsense.

lucien belmont

Oh, even the other two people beside him were titillated by what she said.

how do you know that you fucked all your trauma away?
eye roll meme

Same CeCe, same.

This “Heaven” event looks aesthetically pleasing.

caroline merteuil

Caroline is angry with CeCe for going to school.

how about you go do something for school?

Isn’t that why you are in school? CeCe you need to stand up for yourself. Your parents aren’t paying tuition for you to be a slave.

Scott is starting to feel self-conscious about it.

scott russell cruel intentions

Dude, you are queer. Get over it.

Scott punched Blandsman and he landed on the floor.

brian blandsman

CeCe had nowhere to go so she went to the bar and guess who was there saying that he saw her at the reading?

I saw you there. Professor Hank Chadwick Sean Patrick Thomas cruel intentions series

We see you too Professor.

Professor Hank said he went to his ex-wife’s book reading because he wanted to be supportive since it is the right thing to do. He also went because:

Professor Hank and Cece

Professor Hank’s ex-wife and Lucien…

Lucien and Dr Deirdre

and she is so proud of herself. She asked Lucien if he wanted to watch it.

I'm so hot. You don't want to watch?

He rudely said “I was there, wasn’t I?” and she replied,

DId you even enjoy it?
Image Credit:

Aunty, please take your L and go.

lucien belmont
lucien belmont

Lucien just re-traumatised this woman.

I am a virgin annie grover
annie grover cruel intentions episode 4

No wonder her mother has been telling her to get the “full college experience”.

Annie also said she has never been kissed and I am now very scared for her.

I have never been kissed

Lucien is going to ruin this girl. Oh God, why?

The offspring from the Merteuil-Belmont household need to stay far away from Annie because what is this?

Caroline kisses Annie in cruel intentions

All these gruesome siblings know how to do is use people.

Not this girl looking at the other girls like “is this an orgy?”

cruel intentions episode 4


CeCe Carroway
Professor Hank Chadwick

Hank, I’m going to need you to reel it in.

The lines are getting blurred and it’s not looking good.

Scott, you’ve been sucking dick since the term started and you say you are straight?

Scott Russell
I'm not gay

Honey, I don’t know if you’re gay but one thing is sure: you are definitely not straight. There is no straight man whose only sexual partner is a gay man.

Blaise Powell
like brothers

Caroline may be selfish and self-absorbed, but she didn’t lie to Annie. Lucien is the wrong person to connect with.

caroline merteuil
caroline merteuil

But then Caroline is using Annie’s secret to attack her after saying “you won’t be judged and nothing you say here would be repeated elsewhere”.

So fuck her.

The story Caroline shared earlier with the girls at the Heaven event was CeCe’s story.

CeCe Carroway

Caroline, Caroline, no one will ever make me like you. You are a horrible person. You are as demonic and useless as Lucien.

Also, I know your “advice” to Annie was you being territorial over Lucien because you are also an incestuous pervert.

Back to CeCe, she said that

CeCe Carroway

To Professor Hank. The lines these two have crossed already are enough to land Hank a suspension.

The dick print on Scott’s face has been removed.

cruel intentions episode 4

Lucien was trying to be smooth with Annie but she was with Scott because he invited her to the event.

scott russell and annie grover

Look at them looking at their “lovers?”

blaise powell and lucien belmont

Too bad neither of them have a heart.

Are you going to watch this?

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