Not a fan of this ending: Cruel Intentions Episode 8

I don’t understand why Annie is upset. She chose to date and sleep with a sexual deviant who has a penchant for voyeurism.

Annie is upset

Whatever you see with him, you should accept it. That is the reality you chose for yourself.

Beatrice has found a silver lining. She likes watching herself have sex.

Beatrice has found a silver lining

Annie is such a user. She doesn’t care about Beatrice—just a misery looking company kind of person.

Annie is such a user

Lucien is still unaware that his sex tapes have gone viral.

Lucien is still unaware that his sex tapes have gone viral.

I know I said I hated everyone on this show but for what it’s worth, I like Scott. He is a stand-up fellow and yes, he is smart.

Blaise was trying to confuse him by reiterating that Lucien is the bad guy but Scott was like “nope… we are not doing that here.”

Now that is a standup human being. He and Cece are the best characters in this entire show. They might be clueless and too trusting but they mean well in the end.

Blandsman finally broke the news to Lucien and I am surprised he is horrified by it.

lucien is horrified

Good Lucien, tell her she is a fucking cunt.

she is a fucking cunt.

This is the first piece of dialogue that is actually cheeky and not cringe and I am living for it.

Blandsman is not wrong. Blaise overestimated his own intelligence. What a dumbass.

This is such a sad outlook on life.

CeCe and Beatrice sad outlook on life.

Does Blaise have some form of mental illness? Why would he go to Scott’s father and say this to him?

Why would you go to a man and tell him in subtle ways that you think his son is an idiot?

Blaise threatened Scott’s dad that he would tell the whole world Scott is gay not knowing Scott had already told his dad and his dad (despite being a bible-thumping Republican) didn’t give a shit.

Scott is so pure. He, Cece and Beatrice (to a lesser extent) are the best people on this show. Their methods may be daft but their hearts are in the right place.

Blaise is a ghetto desperado.

He has nothing: he is poor and needs the education and the connections. Instead of him to humble himself, get a job, or a scholarship or a loan to fund his education, he chose to be a thieving, deceitful and manipulative asshole.

He met someone as kind and as open as Scott, who could have been his golden ticket to the good life. He could been a very pleasant best friend or boyfriend and coasted off that to getting the political job that would have enabled him to pay for his education.

But no. He chose to be faster than his own shadow.

scott russell and his father congressman russell.

Also, when Scott’s father confronted him for using his son, instead of piping up to threaten the man, he could have been like “I’m sorry, sir, I was desperate. I had to pay my tuition and I had nobody turn to so I stole. I am so sorry.” Just a smidgen of humility would have helped him.


I had to say my mind because Blaise annoyed me so much this season in ways I couldn’t fully articulate while watching, but suddenly, last minute, I found the words to say it.

Lucien didn’t sleep with Annie.

Lucien didn't sleep with Annie.

Lucien has warned Annie to stay the fuck away from Caroline

Judging by how daft Annie has been so far in this series, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Why is Blaise so proud?

Payback with what money? Just say your “thank you” and go apply for student loans. Your tuition won’t pay itself.

Cece just found out from Annie that Caroline shared her virginity story at Heaven.

Now Annie is wary of Caroline (as she should).

Now Annie is wary of Caroline (as she should).

Why is this show obsessed with incest? Why is this boy and his (step)mother kissing?

Why is this boy and his (step)mother kissing?

She has been in his life since he was 12. Doesn’t that classify as grooming – incestuous grooming?

Cece has seen the jacket Caroline wore when she was on her mission to fuck up Professor Chadwick’s life.

the jacket Caroline wore

This was a semi-nice thing Blaise did for Brian who is insecure about his penis.

Blaise the larcenist, couldn’t help himself now, could he?

Blaise, the larcenist

He just had to steal something on his way out.

Lucien fucked his (step)mum and filmed it.

I am tired of this disgusting family.

Lucien fucked his (step)mum and filmed it.

Lucien shared the video with Caroline.

Ooh, that is going to sting.

Lucien is now wearing her necklace.

I don’t like how this season ended. Caroline was the main villain and we never got to see the pain on her face when she realised her brother fucked her mother.

I know, I just typed out a cursed sentence but a shot of her in pain would have made for a very satisfying end to the season.

If I were to score the season

I would give it a 6. It was a solid seven until I saw this disappointing ending. Well, disappointing for me. Somebody may have liked it who knows?

Are you going to watch this?

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