So Beyonce won Album of the Year at the Grammy’s. Kendrick’s “Not Like Us” swept and Taylor Swift was turnt, doing the stanky leg.
Fun times.
Anyway, welcome back and today, it’s a Paradise episode 3 day.
Paradise Episode 3
Aww, young Randall from “This is Us” is young Xavier here.
That is so nice.
Why is Cal still called POTUS when the world has ended and no other countries exist?
Shouldn’t he be called POP – President of Paradise?
Lol, Xavier told Billy to lose some titties. He said they look like TIG OL’ BITTIES.
Exactly Billy, tell Xavier!
Dr. Gabriela Torabi must be afraid of something and has some trauma.
Agent Collins went to see Dr Torabi to ask the question we’ve all been waiting for her to answer and for some reason, she refused to tell him in her office.
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that her office is bugged.
Why is Agent Robinson investigating this case?
She is too close to the matter and unfit to do a proper investigation.
She’s vomiting. Somebody else should be investigating this.
So they’ve been underground for three years.
Wow. How is nobody depressed yet?
Xavier is asking the right questions.
We want to know Gabriela, why are you walking?
Xavier thinks Sinatra and the billionaires killed Cal.
I think so too but then, my mind is even more focused on why they ended up in Paradise. I think Sinatra and the billionaires ended the real world to create a world where they are the rulers/governing council.
Why is Dr Torabi asking about Agent Collins’ father?
How is this information important to answering his question?
Oh, okay. She wants to know Xavier well before she can trust him with sensitive information.
Alright, fair enough.
Robinson is having nightmares.
When Samantha was talking at first, I thought she cared about her friend, Cal but then she said wants the tablet.
So much for friendship.
Dr Torabi helped design the psychological aspects of Paradise.
If she did design the psychological aspects of the place, I am inclined to think that she was the one who killed Cal Bradford to maintain the balance of crime and order to make society feel more real.
Sinatra has control issues.
She is micromanaging Robinson’s investigation. If she doesn’t trust Robinson, she might as well hire someone else to do the job unless she feels that Robinson is incompetent enough not to discover the truth she (Samantha) wants to hide.
Xavier’s father had Parkinson’s and this man refused to retire.
He is a pilot with a neurodegenerative disease that is refusing to put the safety of his passengers into consideration because “flying is all he knows”
Ain’t no way. Ain’t no motherfucking way.
I said it that these two were fucking and turned off the cameras because of it.
The way Sinatra was just glazing the new First Lady was so funny.
She was so disingenuous with it, but the First Lady was eating it up.
Xavier forced his dad to retire because if he didn’t that man would fly till he got worse and crash the plane, killing others along with himself.
That was great of Xavier to do.
So these two idiots played Wii Tennis every time they shut down the cameras.
Dr Torabi was the one who chose everybody who now lives in Paradise.
No wonder Cal was waffling when Xavier asked him “Why me?”
She finally explained why she is obsessed with Xavier’s father’s retirement story.
So to her, Xavier is basically the moral compass of the entire population.
Wow, I did not see this coming.
I don’t hate it.
Xavier told Gabriela he was married.
Dude, your wife has been dead for three years. Please for the love of God, bust a nut. I promise she won’t divorce you.
Well, that didn’t stop them and damn Xavier!
Them cheeks are cheeking.
Dr. Torabi is one crafty woman. She made this man think that he was about to fuck when it was all a ploy to deliver a message.
I can’t even pretend to hate.
What the fuck did I just see? Billy?! Don’t tell me you are going to kill or kidnap Xavier’s kids.
Final Thoughts
Billy being the suspect was not on my bingo card. I never thought about it because, in my mind, that would be too obvious but I guess I was wrong.

Sense or nah?