Category: Movies
William Lee killed Eugene Allerton in Queer (2024)
When Lee went to Ship Ahoy, he met his friend, Joe Guidry who told him that Allerton went to South America with a colonel. Guidry stated that Allerton said he would stop to see Lee, who was in South America at the time. Ever since Allerton left for South America, no one has seen him…
The End (2024) was kooky
This is so true. Subtle is worse because it will take you forever to find it again. FRIEND has a beautiful voice. Something I wanted to say. It’s like they live in an icy cave. Since the IMDB says it is an apocalyptic film, does this mean they are in the ice age? That is…
Anora is about a desperado looking for a come up
I am finally watching this movie the whole of Twitter is obsessed with. I hope it is good because if it is not, I’m going All of you. So let’s begin: Anora The movie just started and all I see are ass and titties in my face. Seeing that this is the direction we are…
Georgia Byrd was a GEORGE BIRD in Last Holiday 1950
Hello, if you read the Love Actually post, you already know I am writing about two movies this time around. Recently, I found out that Last Holiday 2006 was a remake of the 1950 film the same name and knew I had to watch and compare them. So without wasting your time: Last Holiday (1950)…
With friends like Mark who needs enemies: Love Actually (2003)
Yes, it’s another holiday movie. It’s only 2 minutes in and Bill Nighy is already cursing up a storm. Some backstory here: Bill Nighy’s character (Billy Mack) is recording a Christmas song and he can’t seem to remember the words. When he finally does, however, he hates what he is singing and calls it “shit”…
In The Preacher’s Wife book and 1947 movie, the angel was a homewrecker
And I am just finding out now. As you can see, we (you and I) are in our holiday movie vibe. First, it was Strange Days and now it is The Preacher’s/Bishop’s Wife. This post is going to be about the Novella, the 1947 film and the 1996 film. To make it easier to navigate,…
Angela Bassett and Ralph Fiennes were a couple in Strange Days
I didn’t know this movie existed because I was a child when it came out in 1995. But thank God for Twitter. It led me straight to this movie and for starters, some things didn’t age well. I am barely 2 minutes into Strange Days and this is what I am hearing: Yes, that is…
Don’t live your life for the future: My Old Ass (film)
The way I jerked when they hit that platform. Girl what? It is not a formality. It is a REAL THING. These two are ditzy. They were talking about mushrooms by the way. In this scene They played this song and I was grateful for the reminder. Once upon a time, the songs on the…
THE SUBSTANCE is a bizarre film about self-hatred
with a lot of life lessons too. I want to start this post with some of the things I liked about THE SUBSTANCE I loved how they used the star on the Walk of Fame to show the passage of time and the fickleness of fame. I loved that the movie started and ended with…
‘Salem’s Lot (2024) Spiked My Anxiety
I watched ‘SALEM’S LOT 2024 completely illiterate of the book and the films that came before it and woo, was I anxious. Especially when these people choose to come out a quarter to darkness for their investigation/fact-finding. So this post is going to be about my journey with this anxiety-inducing movie I just watched. When…